so, go out with Lye, his gf and Healty.
v took d best roti canai in Pandamaran Jaya as our breakfast.
thn v headed to KLCC for duno wat IT showcase. it is lame , so v go to Bangsar looking for hot spring. v are lost, coz we duno d way actually. jz simply driving around.
v reach to a place calling "wat........ View Point" (i forgot d name! ) and actually we can see KL frm top of thr. but d haze jz blocked it! damn it!

after tat , finally v found a small hot-spring pool! ya, darn small hot-spring pool beside d road in Ampang ( i duno d place's name actually. haha)
v just have a looks . thn v going to Kelana Jaya for our dinner (already plan it few days ago.) . But d time was only 3pm! OMG! v have to wait..
so, we had Cendol at SS25.
thn v go to cybercafe surfing awhile. then Ah Meng come over to meet us at the restaurant.
v had our dinner at 5.30pm! haha.. it is so early!
v enjoy d meal very much! coz it is buffet! weeeee~
got BBQ, got Steamboat!
Love it! muaxs! XD
but d BBQ make our body and shirt become so oily! =(
anyway, it is a nice try!
only RM19.80 per pax!

2. Put the butter on BBQ pan
3. Lets start! BBQ whatever u LIKE!
4. The pan are totally BURN! hahahahax
not bad for the photo u took! U are using DSLR?
no. im too poor to get a DSLR yet. haha
jz using compact 1..
anyway, thanks. =)
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