ok..it was Xiao Tian Tian's Bday last night ( Ah Meng's GF ) . Both of them also my colleague. so, she hv her bday party at E-song Ktv in Sentosa. all d guest r frm my company. i think around 15 ppls thr. i just knw few of them. haha (becoz im SHY, i seldom talk to my colleague {others department} ) LOLx
Karaoke, Soft drinks, French Fries, Potato Chips, Fried Chicken Wings, and d most important 1- ALCHOHOL. got beer, wine, n Vodka thr. i jz took a little bit of alchohol, bcoz i knw i cnt drink, n after d party im going to Putrajaya to see ppl running in the night. XD
The Birthday Girl with her Boyfriend

Colleagues tat i duno their name. XD 
so, d party finish at 2am. after send 2 of my colleagues bck. i heading to Putrajaya at 2.15am. hahahahaha.. i knw im crazy!
Reach thr around 2.50am, sum of the road r blocked, it make me crazy to get d starting point. after 30mins rounding thr, finally i saw Ms
HAZA - The Running Mom are running, so i stop my car infront of her and take her photo. she told me i make her scared (maybe she duno im going tat night and sum1 stop d car infront of her at 3am, if tat is me, i also will scared la rite? haha) thn i asked her whr d starting point, she said jz infront. owh~ thanks God, finally i found the Palace of Justice! (the starting point)

Tis run is d preparation for the Sundown Marathoon in Singapore (start at midnight). so, thy try to run in d midnight b4 go to Singapore.
After tis i driving around to take sum photo. becoz it is DARK. i cnt get any clear shoot. aaaaaarrhhh!!! hate it.
i saw my dad, Uncle Lee, Aunty Chi, Ms Gan, Calvin, Ms Leong and etc tat nite.
so, d run finish at 4.30am. sum of thm completed 30km, sum less thn tat i thnk. thn v going bck at5am+. after sent Calvin home. i reach home at 6.10am! i hv my bath, thn
JUMP onto my bed n sleepppppppppp.
The bridge?

The End.