Sinced all of u are so "hardworking" .
Ok la... The last game.
The last game I play as a Btboyzz.
The last game I be the useless captain.
The last game I be the fcking useless striker.
The last game I wear the no.10 jersey.
We lose tomorrow!
After this game, all of u are free on Sunday.
No more football call from Shangzun or my fcking handphone number.
U wan go dating, go CC, sleep, tfk or whatever. Go ahead and enjoy.
Dissapointed, seriously.
I cant see our passion, cant see our real style, our attitude anymore.
It is gone. All gone.
For those who are turning up tomorrow morning. Thanks... Thanks a lot.
Let us fight. We no need their support.
We just play our part. Play our heart out.
Win the game and shut their fcking mouth.
Ya,dont care the result first put in ur 100%!
yoyo..GAMBATEK^^ i try u best..
walaoei u...zz
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