Heard of this event few times. But never been there.
This year I cant waste the chance again. fetch
Beng Wai at 4.30pm. Reach there at 5.30pm.
I thought it still early, but damn, we have to park 1.5km away from the entrance.
Around 30 stalls selling Japanese foods & drinks.
But the place is bad. U can see the 'soil' flying on the air all the time. Ur foods and drinks + the soil, it still taste nice! Wuahahahahaha
I ate the curry fishball and duno what chicken + RM1's Livita.
We walk around and shoot.
I cant believe there was so many ppl came to this event.
Only the foods & drinks + some perfomance like drum and dance. Thats all.
Not that interesting as i thought.
And yea~ Meet a few bloggers there.
We left around 9.30pm, but we spent more than 1hour when walking back to our car.
We shoot damn a lot on the way back. It sound crazy right? Nvm, I will update those photos at coming post. haha