
Yes, I am 21 officially.
Happy or Sad ?
I will say, both of it.
Happy. I am legal to do a lot of thing. errrr...something like, register as a husband and wife with my girl without my parents permission? LOL... Just kidding.
Sad. I am getting older. Haha.. Time to more serious on everything I am doing. More serious to fight for my future. Everything gonna be harder and more challenging. Gosh!
I think nobody going to celebrate with me this year. Because my parents and sister have a trip at China now. Only my younger brother and me at home. It is bored! Everyday thinking what should I 'tah pao' as our lunch and dinner. (yea, we always skip breakfast because we wake up at noon all the time.)
I am not expecting any present from anyone seriously.
I dont want to 'owe' something to anyone. Because when u received a present from someone, when their birthday come, u have to buy for him/her. I hate to choose present! haha
Anyway, I already have my first present.
It is Adidas Predito. Futsal shoe.
The person who gave me this is, myself. Hahaha.
oooooH ya, reloaded RM200. I got RM100 free talk-time and 2000 Digi to Digi SMS from DiGi. =)