yesterday i ask about my running number frm dad. tat moment only he know im not register for this race. Damn!
Mr.D didn register for me... sigh
anyway, 1 of my father's friend cnt turn up for this race, so i took his number and run. hehe
but wasted la.. cnt get the RM59.50 mia Adidas running vest with RM20 registration fee. haiz...
i finished the 10km wit 64mins! hehehehe
quite good for me.. coz long time didn training liao..
summore Shah Alam 10km vry tough.. many hill.
but, get certificate nia..NO MEDAL. (already know before the race la...haha)
Adidas..haiz..bad la...
i saw many top runner in 7km category took the wrong way la...
WHY no ppl to guide thm 1? WHY? Adidas also can make tis kind of mistake in a big event?? what la..
those runner really poor la.. run longger thn ppl, till the end, get NOTHING.
if thy run the right way, thy are in TOP 10 u know???
and 1 more... whn thr is still a lot of runner no yet finish.
thy already hv the lucky draw! hey MAN! if those runner still running, but thy get the lucky draw, HOW????
stupid! u better keep all the prize la... BODOx!
Hopefully, the coming Adidas run will be better! dunwan to see those stupid mistakes in big event again.....

Haza - Running Mom
Kenya sapu habis the Top3 in Men & Women Open Half Marathon

Look at the photographer! hahaha..he is my
DAD! @.@

Posing with
Menteri Besar Selangor!
Nike: dun leave me here!
*didn bring my baby D40. jz bring my Kodak 12x zoom cam.*