The End
after read sum blog, i know it is fun to visit Canon Roadshow. it is a big event with expensive lens, model, photo competition and photography talk by some pro.
so, to gain sum experience like sum of my blog's friends do. i make the decision to turn up alone for tis roadshow. hahaafter 30mins walking around Suria KLCC, finally i found it! haha
coz i never take LRT to KLCC.
it was not much ppl thr. i felt weird. how come so less ppl 1???
i thought sure get packed with lot of photographer 1..but, it is not..
aiya.. dun care la..
got the chance to see many kind of Canon lens.
it is so damn expensive (for me la).
thn got the chance to listen a talk by ZUNG. yea.. he is a profesional wedding photographer. his photos are really awesome and great!
hope i can reach the level like him someday ( OMG..im dreaming huh! )after the talk finish at 4.30pm. sum of the crew start keep the chairs and etc... " what happen man??!! where the model? where the photo competition??? "
after tat, i found a time table at 1 corner!
OMG!!!!!!! Model runway show & photo contest was held on SATURDAY! NOT sunday!
im so damn sad and disspointed tat moment! =(
but at least i got the chance to try out the Canon EOS 5D with 500mm lens! hehethen i walk to outside and plan to take picture around KLCC. Manatau.. the rain start dropping on my CAMERA!
gahhhhhhhh! Sh*t la... WHY im so damn unlucky???
so, i.......................buy the ticket and take the train back home lur.....
before reach station Telok Gadong, heavy rain outside the train!
wat la...wat la... i didn bring anything to keep my camera la.........
i have to put my cam under my shirt and run out frm the train!
grrrrrrrrrrrr.... finally, it was the end of my unlucky day!
hopefully, i wont miss out the Canon Roadshow anymore in next year (if they are doing it again nxt year).
sign off...
The End