duhhhhhhhh.. 8am. Healty calling me.
ask me out for breakfast. n he is waiting outside my hse d.
omg..jz wake up nia.
change shirt, wash face n brush teeth in 5mins.
1st time Hong Leong cm fetch me.
im still blur y thy cm fetch me for breakfast n i duno whr thy r going too..
finally, reached CHONG KOK KOPITIAM near d Klang's KTM station thr.
Leong say d coffe is nice. Kopi O ICE for me. xiao..so early drinks iced kopi O.
6half-boiled kampung eggs.
roti bakar
and....3 plate of nasi lemak v rendang for 3 of us!
1st time eat so much for my breakfast coz of d 2 xiao-kia.

sorry Mr.Healty . i gt ur photo here! LOL
P/S: anyone (especially GIRLS) wan to knw him, plz contact me. LOL.
He is 20, soft-spoken, always stay calm in any situation & he is SINGLE!!!
working as a Mould Designer in a Japanese company. =)

Itz a stupid damn jam around all d Elections centre!!