16th Feb 2008 : Kel Ming 17 yrs old birthday.
bought a Nike bag for him ( share with Jeff ). attended d party v jeff n alan.
got BBQ in d party. but v no nid to bbq, her maid bbq 4 us.. so nice huh. haha ..thnx
sum little gal(secondary skul) come n play sum silly stuff v alan. mayb he looks young.lol. itz funny. n 1 of d gal take d food to alan too.. Alan so 'hang fuk'.. haha
left thr at 11pm+
went mamak v Jm, Jeff, Alan, Nicholas, Chua, Henry n his gf.
saw Healty & Ah Yi v his gf thr.
few months din out 4 mamak d.. so v chit chat til 1am+.
thn JM, Jeff, Alan n me went to another mamak again.haha. to watch Mu Vs Arsenal.
Shangzun n Lhy wan to meet us.. thy walk out frm their hse at 3am+. crazy guyz. i drive 2 fetch thm in d half way. i worried thy wil get rapped sumwhr.. LOLX.. jk
Mu won 4-0. Bravo.... well done all of thm especially Fletcher, Nani, Carrick, Rooney & Anderson. =)
rch home at 4am+, slp at 5am.
thn wake up at 8am n go for futsal v BTboyz.....
nice game...since a long time nvr touched a ball..