eveyday OT till 8.30pm..itz tired..n im not driving to my working place anymore, i take company bus..so, hv 2 wake up early to get d bus n reach home late..sigh
bath, take dinner, read newspaper, n on9..itz 1am dy.. hv 2 wake up at 6am.. dui... working 11 hrs per day (whole day standing) n only slp 5hrs.. wonder hw long i can tahan.. haha
2day, finally i hv time to go swimming.. i went for 7pm till 9.15pm 1.
whn i gt my ticket n went in, i realize i forgot to bring my swimming trunk. >.<
wat d ****... hv 2 go bck n take it...
completed 1000meter of Breaststroke & 450meter of Freestyle..(actually i wan to finish at least 500meter for free style..unfortunately , the bell rang.. >.< ) quite tired ..coz 1months+ no swim d.
Tomorrow......working day gahhhhhhhhh.... sum of my colleagues get holiday frm 30th Dec till 3rd Jan. 5 days man!! but, hv to cut 3 days of annual leave or get 3 days of unpay leave.. haha nvm.. work la thn.. wont rugi RM150+. haha n i can go bck at 5pm 2moro..^^ hopefully still can make it to Sg.wang to countdown for 2008! so... wishing every1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
2008 coming... work hard, play hard! =)
take k..
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Attn: BOJI guyz
the way to solve d problems whn sum guy tat hv no d organ tat a boy should hv come n piss on ur blog...
thy r lame.. hide their identity..
- dont bother them
- forgive them
- be the good 1
- they wanna be the bad 1, let them be
- nonsense is not true
the way to solve d problems whn sum guy tat hv no d organ tat a boy should hv come n piss on ur blog...
thy r lame.. hide their identity..
To: Unknown
whn i checking my blog.. saw 2 unknown craping in d Chat Box..
wonder y thy do like tat.. but i can tell thm sumthng ' NOT me step on urs tail.' =)
n both of u are not welcome...
if anything unhappy wit me, jz straight forward la.. no need hide ur identity n insulting ppl thr..
show ur moral, dude!
wonder y thy do like tat.. but i can tell thm sumthng ' NOT me step on urs tail.' =)
n both of u are not welcome...
if anything unhappy wit me, jz straight forward la.. no need hide ur identity n insulting ppl thr..
show ur moral, dude!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Xmas Countdown - The Curve
now.. 3.52am, 25th Dec 07.
jz cm bck frm The Curve n supper in Subang.
went The Curve v Okao, Chua KS, JiMing n her gf- Regena.. thn meet Junner n Kian thr..
so many ppl la... JAM!! haha
v bought many Snow Spray to ply.. hehe.. damn happy..
lazy to talk much.. oso tired d..
jz cm bck frm The Curve n supper in Subang.
went The Curve v Okao, Chua KS, JiMing n her gf- Regena.. thn meet Junner n Kian thr..
so many ppl la... JAM!! haha
v bought many Snow Spray to ply.. hehe.. damn happy..
lazy to talk much.. oso tired d..
Monday, December 24, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
他真是那个不在乎你过去的男孩; 他真是那个每天风雨无阻接你上下班的男孩; 他真是每天晚上在床上和你一起数星星的那个男孩; 他真是愿意为你付出一切的那个男孩; 他真是心疼你做饭,自己偷偷学做饭,让你感到惊喜的那个男
孩; 他真是不向你隐瞒他以前过去往事的那个男孩; 他真是当你受委屈最想见到的那个男孩; 他真是不求回报,只想为你默默付出的那个男孩; 他真是爱你但不溺爱你,宠你但不惯你的那个男孩; 他真是当你失去才后悔没去珍惜的那个男孩; 他真是拥有他的时候没觉得他好,失去他的时候才想他种种好
处的那个男孩; 他真是每当他应酬的时候能让你放心的那个男孩; 他真是每天拼命赚钱让你过的更好的那个男孩; 他真是那个有什么好东西都留给你,愿意为你无偿奉献的那个
他真是那个不在乎你过去的男孩; 他真是那个每天风雨无阻接你上下班的男孩; 他真是每天晚上在床上和你一起数星星的那个男孩; 他真是愿意为你付出一切的那个男孩; 他真是心疼你做饭,自己偷偷学做饭,让你感到惊喜的那个男
孩; 他真是不向你隐瞒他以前过去往事的那个男孩; 他真是当你受委屈最想见到的那个男孩; 他真是不求回报,只想为你默默付出的那个男孩; 他真是爱你但不溺爱你,宠你但不惯你的那个男孩; 他真是当你失去才后悔没去珍惜的那个男孩; 他真是拥有他的时候没觉得他好,失去他的时候才想他种种好
处的那个男孩; 他真是每当他应酬的时候能让你放心的那个男孩; 他真是每天拼命赚钱让你过的更好的那个男孩; 他真是那个有什么好东西都留给你,愿意为你无偿奉献的那个
Saturday, December 22, 2007
after 3weeks+, finally im bck! Im bck to 'Online World'. LOLx

Cendol & Cheesy Sausage Apam

2nd Dec, Follow my uncle go his farm.. after tat go his durian farm in Seremban.. Omg.. damn tired..
King of fruits- Durian!

Tis flower nice?? guess vry hard 2 found tis.. =)
not easy to get all tis frm d durian hill.

17th Dec.
it was a long looooooooong story during tis 3weeks..
so, i jz wil highight sum important moment..
3weeks ago..
my modem spoiled coz of lightning.. haiz..duno y so shuei 1.. grrrr..
so, stop on9 frm tat day..
30th Nov, went for hair cutting.
knw where??
NEO-IMAGE! Lol.. duno? haha.. for those got watch Taiwan movie de sure wil knw lo.. [ Ai Qing Mo Fa Shi ]
haha.. d hair cut okok nia la..
coz open near 2 my hse.. so, hv a try thr lo..

1st Dec, go JJ again..haha
damn sien.. Opened 8days, i go thr 4 times d.. lol. crazy!!
too sien..duno whr 2 walk..coz every single corner of d JJ already stepped by me.. lol
so.. go Green Ice having a Mango Ice Blended, Cendol, n Sausage Cheesy Apam. d ice all vry nice coz d mango smell vry thick..original 1 wor..not mango syrup.. n d cendol got coconut de..soooo nice... but horh.. d size damn small.. 5 spoon cnt finish it.. lol
n d Apam.. errrr... normal normal nia lo.. haha
Mango ice Blended

2nd Dec, Follow my uncle go his farm.. after tat go his durian farm in Seremban.. Omg.. damn tired..
coz d hill so high.. grass oso high..
walking in d durian hill really tired n scary..
coz wil sesat 1.. lol
but..i managed to get sum nice shot thr.. hehe
d entrance blocked by a trunk.

Pray pray b4 go to pick durian..

not easy to get all tis frm d durian hill.

3rd Dec.
Sze lei bring me go interview.
i got d job!! =)
salary oso no bad.. thnx so much, Sze lei.
4th Dec, start working in 1 company located in North Port.. 20mins driving distance frm my hse.. everyday driving beside GIANT size de lorry n trailer.. so scary..haha
everyday work v Bangla.. teach thm hw 2 speak malay. thy teach me sum bangla language..but, vry tough for me.. lol
at least i knw:
I Love U = Ah-mi-tomarteh-baru-basi
How are u = Tumi-geimon-ah-chu
Im fine = Ah-mi-baru-ahqi
What = Ki
What problem = Ki-samosa
Elephant = Hati
haha..stil got sumthng i 4got le.. coz now working in Tooling Dept d.
12th Dec, change to Tooling Dept. everyday stand n follow my leader..damn tired.. n everyday oso hv to OT until 8.30pm..
becoz d salary quite good.. tats y gt many ppl come interview.. i thnk nowadays got 20+ new staff.. all galz..only 3 of them is boy.. haha
13th Dec, my birthday.
Her hp no credit.. cant greet me.
after 12am+, only i call her.. she greeted me n sing B'day song 4 me..
But, itz a lonely nitez. everytime remember frenz de bday n greet thm, but, so WHAT??? no respone frm most of thm.. sigh........
only 5 ppls greet me by SMS.
1. Carynn
2.Xin Yin
3. Eri
4. Kel Ming (surprise la..coz he knw my bday.haha)
5. Shangzun (surprise oso.. haha..tot his brain got football nia.. LOL)
Thanks , all of u.
n for those greet me by Friendster's Testi, thanks u all too.. n sorry for not reply..hehe
tat day after finish work.. saw lil.sister baking cake.. haha..surely, for me 1 la.. lol
middle of d cake got cheese..
n d topping is chocolate.. hehe.. nice to see n nice to eat too..
lol.. thanx muimui n thnx mum.. =)
mum say din go out eat n buy cake.. so, pa n her gv me a Ang Pau.. haha
i dunwan de.. but , thy say muz take wor.. haha
thanks again.. =)
Old 1 more year d..
19 liao ah... still... apa pun takda.. sad.. =(

17th Dec.
2day siao~~ my leader hv to overnight.. tat means hv to work 24hrs..
n me....omg.. hv 2 follow him working 24 hrs oso..
omg omg.. coz duno wil like tis.. both of us last nite slp 4hrs+ nia..
try 2 imaging la... 24 hrs no sleep leh..walao.. tat day really kolian... haizz... d eyes keep wanna close..hahahaha
but, finally, v did it.. =)
OT 14hrs.. haha.. got many many $$$ wor.. =P
19h Dec. finish working at 8am, coz work night syif.
holiday start.. frm 20 Dec til 25 Dec.. 6 days holiday..haha^^
hopefully can go sumwhr ... =)
20th Dec.. go pc shop buy a new modem..
manatau rch home liao..cnt use again.. coz Adapter oso spoiled ..haiz.. hv 2 change it.. RM25. i tot old pc still ok, so i bought cable 4 it.. (coz i bought 4port Modem)
really so shuei.. b4 tis d old pc ok de... whn i get d cable, d CPU gt problem.. wat the #$%^&*.... !!!
haiz... cnt do anythng...
no money liao.. summore spent RM150+ on computer.. charm ah charm....... T.T
muz OT many many liao la... hahaha
21st Dec.
haha.. 2day go SMK Dato Hamzah. my ex-secondary school to collect my SPM certificate..
i finished my SPM 2years ago.. haha
but..still got ppl no yet collect oso.. =P
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