slp at 4am+ last nite..
thn 7am+ hv 2 wake up n send my lil.bro go tuition..@.@
sien ah sien.. wil pengsan 1 leh..after tat bring mum go ta bao breakfast..
i tot after cm bck wan continue slp de..mana tau..vry semangat la..cnt slp.. d newspaper 1st..
2day news:
Principal of tuition centre ask his student 'da fei gei'. lol
muz let him kena kao kao baru can.. PRINCIPAL leh!!! haha
after tat take my breakfast..
thn evening bring mum, lil sis n lil bro go Aeon Bkt Tinggi thr shopping..
tuesday evening oso many ppl shopping..geng.. lol
bought sum Sushi..hehe.. oni 88sen per pc...^^
becoz too fat muz hardworking keep fit
6.30 go swimming v my lil. bro.
nowadays many small children already learn swimming.. 4-5yrs old..already can swim..geng..
i teach my lil.bro, he stil duno la.. haiz... stupid!! muahahhahaha..
aiya..i oso duno how 2 teach la..summore so fierce..sure he duno la.. lol
sorry ya kunxian.. haha
8pm+. dad reach home..
OMG!!! he gt accident again!!! sigh..
y so unlucky 1..
got 1 18yrs old malay boy duno d way..kelam-kalbut whn riding motorbike..ngam ngam my dad wan 2 overtake him, he make a turn.. thn my dad hit his motor.. d malay fault..
but my dad say he jz 18, summore jz cm frm Pahang 3 days my dad 4give him, didn ask for money 2 repair motor n medical fee oso..summore show him d way 2 bck his hse.. =.=
both of daddy de hand oso injured.. his back oso kena.. sigh..
poor guy... last few months he jz broke his lil finger de kena again..duno wil broke onot..v ask him go check he dunwan..he say nt vry pain..haizz... keras kepala betul!
accident.. wil happen anytime..anyway.. so, muz bkful whn on d road ah..
pa.. get well soon yea..
eerrr.......i thnk nthng liao la..haha..
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Unlucky Day
2day new Jaya Jusco open in Bukit Tinggi, Klang.
it jz 10mins frm my hse.. so..1st day open..muz go muz go.. ^^
bcoz order contact lens frm sum1..i hv 2 bank in 2 her 2day..
but d stupid hell deposit machine got suck problem.. cnt accept d money la..
i try 3 times oso cnt..haizzzzzzz...
luckily she say nvm.. can pay her nxt Mon.
ok..nvm.. go JJ!
i driving at d 3rd lane.. i saw a Kembara simply cut frm 1st lane to 2nd lane..i tot she saw me..sure wont come 2 my lane.. after 1sec.. Piang!!! gosh.. d idiot really bang my car.. wat the $%^&*(@#..
yor... y God gv her d eyes leh? she duno 2 use oso.. haiz
d road summore jam wor.. coz many ppl going JJ oso..cnt stop beside..haiz.. i show my hand ask her follow me..n write down her plate num in my ph.. police at d traffic light thr control d traffic..
after i past..d police block d Kembara ..n let othr drection de vehicles go..
walao!!! so SHUEI meh???? God ah God.. u fool me ah?!
thn i cnt stop oso..many car..sigh..cnt do anythng... i jz looking 4 my parking place.. d parking area soooooooo is FULL!!!
wat la...y so many ppl geh? aiya..M'sia lagest JJ is like tis 1 la.. lol
so i parking at housing area thr..walao..many car oso leh.. i park 400m away frm d JJ..haizzzz..summore hv 2 walk so far under d hot sun..
THANX God! luckly my door din kemek..haha..4get it.. tis time no nid ask her 2 pay.. she OWE me sumthng d.. kaka
thn go inside JJ lo.. meet my lil sis thr.. haiz.. shopping v 5 galz.. sien..ntg can talk v thm..duno thm much..haha
thn go Kim Gary eat.. hv 2 wait 30mins oni reach our turn 2 go in d restaurant..(othr restaurant oso full)
ceh..d Cheese Baked Rice ntg special oso.. n no nice at all.. Tropical Secret Restaurant 1 oso better thn thm..haha
after tat go meet KM.. walk v him..but sien oso.. 2 guyz.. like gay la..haha
behtahan him.. keep pulling his collar.. duno wan 2 show his handsome-ness or wat..hahahhaha.. keep craping he is handsome.. =.=
thn 4pm+ beh tahan d..go bck..
didn go train ball..sorry ya shangzun.. =)
Skx n Jeff din cm go mamak watch football alone.. haiz
Mu playing like shit la..
lose 0-1.. haizzz... Ars leading MU by 3points..summore got 1 match in hand...wat la..
cm bck d.. saw guigui n my 'daughter' talk 2 me.. i try 2 Maximize..mana tau..pressed wrong~! i CLOSE it.. OMG OMG..
wat d hell 2day?????
Shuei ah Shuei~~~~
sua!!! 2moro muz lucky! lol
it jz 10mins frm my hse.. so..1st day open..muz go muz go.. ^^
bcoz order contact lens frm sum1..i hv 2 bank in 2 her 2day..
but d stupid hell deposit machine got suck problem.. cnt accept d money la..
i try 3 times oso cnt..haizzzzzzz...
luckily she say nvm.. can pay her nxt Mon.
ok..nvm.. go JJ!
i driving at d 3rd lane.. i saw a Kembara simply cut frm 1st lane to 2nd lane..i tot she saw me..sure wont come 2 my lane.. after 1sec.. Piang!!! gosh.. d idiot really bang my car.. wat the $%^&*(@#..
yor... y God gv her d eyes leh? she duno 2 use oso.. haiz
d road summore jam wor.. coz many ppl going JJ oso..cnt stop beside..haiz.. i show my hand ask her follow me..n write down her plate num in my ph.. police at d traffic light thr control d traffic..
after i past..d police block d Kembara ..n let othr drection de vehicles go..
walao!!! so SHUEI meh???? God ah God.. u fool me ah?!
thn i cnt stop oso..many car..sigh..cnt do anythng... i jz looking 4 my parking place.. d parking area soooooooo is FULL!!!
wat la...y so many ppl geh? aiya..M'sia lagest JJ is like tis 1 la.. lol
so i parking at housing area thr..walao..many car oso leh.. i park 400m away frm d JJ..haizzzz..summore hv 2 walk so far under d hot sun..
THANX God! luckly my door din kemek..haha..4get it.. tis time no nid ask her 2 pay.. she OWE me sumthng d.. kaka
thn go inside JJ lo.. meet my lil sis thr.. haiz.. shopping v 5 galz.. sien..ntg can talk v thm..duno thm much..haha
thn go Kim Gary eat.. hv 2 wait 30mins oni reach our turn 2 go in d restaurant..(othr restaurant oso full)
ceh..d Cheese Baked Rice ntg special oso.. n no nice at all.. Tropical Secret Restaurant 1 oso better thn thm..haha
after tat go meet KM.. walk v him..but sien oso.. 2 guyz.. like gay la..haha
behtahan him.. keep pulling his collar.. duno wan 2 show his handsome-ness or wat..hahahhaha.. keep craping he is handsome.. =.=
thn 4pm+ beh tahan d..go bck..
didn go train ball..sorry ya shangzun.. =)
Skx n Jeff din cm go mamak watch football alone.. haiz
Mu playing like shit la..
lose 0-1.. haizzz... Ars leading MU by 3points..summore got 1 match in hand...wat la..
cm bck d.. saw guigui n my 'daughter' talk 2 me.. i try 2 Maximize..mana tau..pressed wrong~! i CLOSE it.. OMG OMG..
wat d hell 2day?????
Shuei ah Shuei~~~~
sua!!! 2moro muz lucky! lol
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Eat eat eat!

18th Nov.
lolx.. dad bck frm Ipoh (he go thr 4 a road race [cross country] )..he bought bck Ipoh Salted Chicken..consider famous..coz d tv show 'Ho Chak' go thr b4 de.. last few week go thr v mum n pa..cnt tis time my dad 'succes' to buy it..lolx
it jz RM17. whole chicken man..quite cheap.. hehe
it tatsted nice! yummy~~~
watching "Jz follow Law" v lil bro n lil sis until 1.30am.
thn v go P.Klang eat
v ordered 1 set of Meltz..(jz 2 get d speaker) haha.. n 1 set of X-Meal.
no ppl geh... sien...

after finish..go bck n continue 'Jz Follow Law' again..hehe
Sunday, November 18, 2007
yesterday duno y..vry tired..11pm already slp le.. 5am i wake up..thn i on9.. thn Shangzun talk 2 me..he ask me no yet slp ah..i told him i gt slp..he told me Kit, Lhy n him no yet slp..thy jz cm bck frm McD.. wtf man..later 8.30am got ftball match leh...haiz.. thy always do crazy thngz 1...
6.30am.. i go take breakfast alone..Milo ais + Mee goreng + Roti Kosong. lol
and thn 'dabao' 5 roti canai for family..
whn i reach home..i saw a kitten lying on d floor i stop my car far a bit..thn i go down n hv a look.. OMG..d............kitten die ad..
feeling so bad n guilty..coz i tot is jz nw morning whn i going out i hit d cat down de..sigh
i take a plastic bag n put it inside..later on d way 2 ply ftball oni throw it away..
after awake Shawn n Yik.. i going out.. whn d kitten inside my car..omg..d feeling really geli leh..yark...
thn throw it at sumwhr gao tim..thnx God n sorry meow..
thn fetch Shawn in BT2 n Yik in Botanic..
v rch Shangzun's hse.. tis 3 fellow stil watching TV..din slp.. haizzz..cnt do nt their parents
after get ready..v move 2 padang..
2day Skx, Jeff n Km didn turn up..all our keyplayer.. haiz.. but ysterday Shangzun tell me dun k who thy bring..v oso will win de..hahahahhahaha
2day d opponent bring 3 or 4 new player..all of thm quite good de..scare leh.....haha
i knw v r no good enuf..but last week v jz win thm 8-2. i thnk 2day v still can win ba.. hopefully la..haha
6.30am.. i go take breakfast alone..Milo ais + Mee goreng + Roti Kosong. lol
and thn 'dabao' 5 roti canai for family..
whn i reach home..i saw a kitten lying on d floor i stop my car far a bit..thn i go down n hv a look.. OMG..d............kitten die ad..
feeling so bad n guilty..coz i tot is jz nw morning whn i going out i hit d cat down de..sigh
i take a plastic bag n put it inside..later on d way 2 ply ftball oni throw it away..
after awake Shawn n Yik.. i going out.. whn d kitten inside my car..omg..d feeling really geli leh..yark...
thn throw it at sumwhr gao tim..thnx God n sorry meow..
thn fetch Shawn in BT2 n Yik in Botanic..
v rch Shangzun's hse.. tis 3 fellow stil watching TV..din slp.. haizzz..cnt do nt their parents
after get ready..v move 2 padang..
2day Skx, Jeff n Km didn turn up..all our keyplayer.. haiz.. but ysterday Shangzun tell me dun k who thy bring..v oso will win de..hahahahhahaha
2day d opponent bring 3 or 4 new player..all of thm quite good de..scare leh.....haha
i knw v r no good enuf..but last week v jz win thm 8-2. i thnk 2day v still can win ba.. hopefully la..haha

Shangzun (Left) n Jun Kit
lol.. d team got a new coach..haha
he ask us ply like training..dun ply rude wor..
thn d match start..d refree is their coach..
d field vry wet la..cnt playing well..all d passing went all wrong.. cnt reach our player oso..
a miss q frm their defender..i gt d ball.. i shoot using my left foot..i vry confident can goal 1 leh..mana tau..haizzzzzzz...kena d!!!
after tat..thy scored 1..haiz..v are down 0-1
Kit oso perform nt vry well ..i thnk coz of d field ba...lotz of water..
our posession all lose.. d opponent keep control d ball..haiz..midfield n forward all no good la...
thn d opponent get d 2nd goal.. wat a stupid mistake frm keeper.. lolx.. no offense..XD
2 goals behind..haiz...
Kit gt a stupid tackle frm behind..he injured again..(actually he injured ad..but he stil cm n ply 4 us) cnt do anythng.. he is out..
Sheng cm in..he is jz 12yrs old
thn v get a freekick 25meter frm d goal..Shangzun take it..
Ya! itz a GOAL!! his freekick really nice..keepeer cnt do anythng..
after afew mins.. shangzun get anothr freekick again..
jz outside d box..
yea....itz a goal again.. good!
1st half finish.. 2-2
after rest for 15mins.. 2nd half start..
moz of us stamina vry poor..all cnt chase d ball n run fast..haizzz..
sure like tis 1 la..every sat n sun training..oni a few cat turn up nia..haiz.. dissapointed leh.. hope can bck to last time..
thy get a freekick.. mayb d ball too slippy.. Damian cnt catch well n drop.. d opponent get it n score again..2-3
thr r a quick player at their right wing..sigh..shangzun wan go up..ask me guard d man.. v my speed..u wan me guard him? dulan!!!!
he ply upfront oso do nthng..oso keep losing d ball wat? nvm.. he scored twice d.. he 'dai sai' .. i cnt do anythng.. all he say is rite de..
15mins b4 d game finish..thy hv a low shoot.. d ball vry slow..but Sheng go n block it.. d ball went 2 anothr way..haiz.. keeper cnt do anythng.. v r 2-4 down..
evry1 tired.. cnt do anytng le.. sigh.......
1 mins b4 d game finish..i kicked hard on y.sum's boot.. pain man! kick so hard..summore kena his studs.. now bengkak d...
thn y.sum get d ball n shoot.. unlucky again..kena post!!! haiz...
2day 2 ball kena post.. Kit oso got 1 ball jz wide nia..really wasted..
v lose... ya..lose..
tis is our 3rd lose..consider good ad..
v cnt blame any1...coz every1 oso gt fault...
but really gt fed up by all d players la.. including MYSELF.. coz i doing NOTHING for my team.........haiz.. useless! (guilty)
if i get a job tat sat n sun no nid work 1.. i wan every sat n sun go training le... i wan improve..i wan do sumthng 4 my team..
or mayb..i wan change my position in our team le.. i wan ply attacking mid.. coz our mid really weak.. i thnk 4-5-1 better..duno la... see 1st...
train hard! train hard!!
after tat v go Jasima hv our brunch..
sien...after finish i send Shawn bck..thn bck home..
whn reach home i tell mum i killed d kitten in d morning..mum say not i kill 1..lolx..
coz ysterday sis already saw d kitten lying thr..
but...i duno la...haiz.. mayb is ysterday noon i go plyball i hit de ba?
but mum keep saying nt i do de.. she dunwan i felt guilty..
duno la... sorry meow.. itz really a accident i thnk..
sis went Banting d.. lil sis go her fren's sis's wedding..
so d breakfast tat 1 da bao 1 still got..haiz.. hv 2 eat again..
after bath n eat..really tired jor.. sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep!!
until 7pm oni wake up.. kkekekekeke foot..still vry pain la..haizzz..
sua...past d..cnt do anythng le..
jz work harder ba..
gambateh BTFC!!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Party again?!
last nite 1am+ already on bed..but duno y..4am+ only slp..haizz..missing sum1.. lolx
whn i cnt slp..i wake up n use d computer..but duno y ..suddenly 30+ IE come out..really omg..coz my lil bro downloading Maple. aixxzzz..hang liao..cnt do anythng.. i straight away press d Off
dun k him la... ask him dl nxt time..skul holiday so long wat..keke
2day 1pm+ only take my 'breakfast' hahahhaa..
thn 5pm only take lunch..xiao liao la..
5.30 go sport shop buy a new Nike ball 4 our cost RM45.
sigh..4got 2 take pic jor..== d 1st 1 kick d ball...wakakakkakaka..lame
2day only Elbert, Damian, Shangzun, Lhy n our new player- Jun Kit turned up..haha
Jun Kit is S'gor player wor..vry skillful..
waiting 4 2moro..jz 2 c him play 4 our team..hehe
d opponent say wan beat us 10-0 warh.. but last sun v jz beat thm 8-2. wakakakaakkaka..
8pm+.. follow mum go 2 neighbour's wedding buffet party..
ysterday go party v pa..2day go v ma..
walao..fat fat liao la..
sien la now..ntg to do..
off ba..
missing euu~~~~~~so much!
whn i cnt slp..i wake up n use d computer..but duno y ..suddenly 30+ IE come out..really omg..coz my lil bro downloading Maple. aixxzzz..hang liao..cnt do anythng.. i straight away press d Off
dun k him la... ask him dl nxt time..skul holiday so long wat..keke
2day 1pm+ only take my 'breakfast' hahahhaa..
thn 5pm only take lunch..xiao liao la..
5.30 go sport shop buy a new Nike ball 4 our cost RM45.
sigh..4got 2 take pic jor..== d 1st 1 kick d ball...wakakakkakaka..lame
2day only Elbert, Damian, Shangzun, Lhy n our new player- Jun Kit turned up..haha
Jun Kit is S'gor player wor..vry skillful..
waiting 4 2moro..jz 2 c him play 4 our team..hehe
d opponent say wan beat us 10-0 warh.. but last sun v jz beat thm 8-2. wakakakaakkaka..
8pm+.. follow mum go 2 neighbour's wedding buffet party..
ysterday go party v pa..2day go v ma..
walao..fat fat liao la..
sien la now..ntg to do..
off ba..
missing euu~~~~~~so much!
16th Nov
fan! fan! fan!!
5am oni slp..coz of sum1.. sigh
wat i did 2day? too many liao la..
aaaaaarrrrgghh!!! sien..damn mood!!!
6pm+..'daishou' tell me her N80 get stolen..
kolian tai..
haiz..y so palia 1..hope d fellow get d balasan ASAP...
8pm follow daddy go his frnz hse eat..
got a small party thr..
sien..all his n me sitting thr..damn bored..haha
10pm lik tat rch home..all thm went out le..
dad cm in my room.. i show him many video in
11pm+..mum cm bck d..she complain a lot..
beh tahan her..come in my room again..
find job find job!!!
5am oni slp..coz of sum1.. sigh
wat i did 2day? too many liao la..
aaaaaarrrrgghh!!! sien..damn mood!!!
6pm+..'daishou' tell me her N80 get stolen..
kolian tai..
haiz..y so palia 1..hope d fellow get d balasan ASAP...
8pm follow daddy go his frnz hse eat..
got a small party thr..
sien..all his n me sitting thr..damn bored..haha
10pm lik tat rch home..all thm went out le..
dad cm in my room.. i show him many video in
11pm+..mum cm bck d..she complain a lot..
beh tahan her..come in my room again..
find job find job!!!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Black out?
15th Nov
3.50am (fell so hot..wake up n dark..cnt see my fingers oso.. no air cond summore..)
tak boleh tahan..go 2 living room..
thn go outside see..y only my hse tis row no eletric geh..(but d corner lot 1 got) i call TNB n ask..thy say thy r repairing..w.t.h she talking..d Eletric hse jz opposite my hse la..nobody thr oso..
thn i try 2 switch on d main electric..but d suis wil jump bck..
i duno wat d problm..
thn mum wake up go toilet..thn continue slp geng?? so hot oso can slp!
thn lil bro wake up..sis..lil sis all oso wake up..haha
almost 6am d..
my neighbour wake up le.. i ask him y he gt electric..thn he say got ah..mayb is my main sui thr gt problm le.. thn daddy wake up n check..yuan lai got 1 suis gt problm..cnt on..if on..d main sui wil off..
tats y la..kakakakkkakaka..
yuan lai othr ppl din switch on their light in d midnite.. i tot takde electric pula..kaka
cnt slp le..continue on9..thn 7am+ bring mum go pasar..
after take breakfast..continue on9 again..
1pm+ take lunch..
3pm+ slp...
6pm wake up.. wireman repair d suis d..
finally my room n kitchen got light
lil bro kacau wan go swim..
i lazy go jogging bring him go swim lo..
last time in d adult pool my lil bro cnt rch 1..
now can le.. tall d..haha
wan teach him swim but he dunwan..n say he duno..
wat la.. din learn hw wil knw??
8.35pm..leave thr..n bck home
8.50pm rch home..damn hungry..
eat sum rojak n kuih..mum bought it frm pasar malam..
after tat go bath..after bath take dinner..
thn now..on9 lo.. ><
duno wat 2 do le..
3.50am (fell so hot..wake up n dark..cnt see my fingers oso.. no air cond summore..)
tak boleh tahan..go 2 living room..
thn go outside see..y only my hse tis row no eletric geh..(but d corner lot 1 got) i call TNB n ask..thy say thy r repairing..w.t.h she talking..d Eletric hse jz opposite my hse la..nobody thr oso..
thn i try 2 switch on d main electric..but d suis wil jump bck..
i duno wat d problm..
thn mum wake up go toilet..thn continue slp geng?? so hot oso can slp!
thn lil bro wake up..sis..lil sis all oso wake up..haha
almost 6am d..
my neighbour wake up le.. i ask him y he gt electric..thn he say got ah..mayb is my main sui thr gt problm le.. thn daddy wake up n check..yuan lai got 1 suis gt problm..cnt on..if on..d main sui wil off..
tats y la..kakakakkkakaka..
yuan lai othr ppl din switch on their light in d midnite.. i tot takde electric pula..kaka
cnt slp le..continue on9..thn 7am+ bring mum go pasar..
after take breakfast..continue on9 again..
1pm+ take lunch..
3pm+ slp...
6pm wake up.. wireman repair d suis d..
finally my room n kitchen got light
lil bro kacau wan go swim..
i lazy go jogging bring him go swim lo..
last time in d adult pool my lil bro cnt rch 1..
now can le.. tall d..haha
wan teach him swim but he dunwan..n say he duno..
wat la.. din learn hw wil knw??
8.35pm..leave thr..n bck home
8.50pm rch home..damn hungry..
eat sum rojak n kuih..mum bought it frm pasar malam..
after tat go bath..after bath take dinner..
thn now..on9 lo.. ><
duno wat 2 do le..
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
14th Nov
13th Nov
everyday stay at home.. eat..slp on9..nthng else can do le..
so...become fatter fatter n FATTER!
cnt liao..hv 2 stop it!!
2day 6pm go Butterfly jogging alone..
kinda sien.. long time nvr run liao.. muscle pain (tat day ply ftball oso pain..mayb long time din exercise liao la)
Run 3km+ only i thnk..(coz duno d distance for 1 lap)
saw a few galz playing basketball v boys thr.. vry yeng la all d galz.. LOLx
thn walk for 1 lap.. thn go bck..
rch home..
ntg 2 do le.. sien..
going 2 slp..
everyday stay at home.. eat..slp on9..nthng else can do le..
so...become fatter fatter n FATTER!
cnt liao..hv 2 stop it!!
2day 6pm go Butterfly jogging alone..
kinda sien.. long time nvr run liao.. muscle pain (tat day ply ftball oso pain..mayb long time din exercise liao la)
Run 3km+ only i thnk..(coz duno d distance for 1 lap)
saw a few galz playing basketball v boys thr.. vry yeng la all d galz.. LOLx
thn walk for 1 lap.. thn go bck..
rch home..
ntg 2 do le.. sien..
going 2 slp..
Monday, November 12, 2007
Football . Party . Football
sunday..11th Nov 07
8am..Elbert call me..ask me 2 take breakfast v him. =.=
crazy..!! 9am got ftball match la..xiao~
go fetch Skx..rch Shangzun's hse..Jeff call n ask me go fetch him..OMG..hv 2 turn bck..
after fetch Jeff..8.50am d.. rch Jm's hse.. his 2 bros n him still slp?!!! 9am d match wil start leh..
after awake thm..Skx, Jeff n me go padang 1st..
rch thr..thy going 2 start le..
wear stocking n boots..thn din warm up at all..d match start.. =.=
vry tough..coz long time nvr ply le..
finally v won 8-2. Lhy damn GENG!! he score hat-trick.. i jz score 1..
after tat went BT eat.. thn go bck..bath..thn slp..
7pm+ wake up..later hv 2 go Chua's sis wedding party..
8pm Jeff rch my hse..i no yet
after tat go p.klang fetch Term.. thn meet Jm, Skx n Okao at Chua's hse..
go in.. eat.......... dog..fishball..thai style fish..xiu mai..fried chicken.. n lotz..
after oso come..our ex-english teacher..
b4 leaving.. second round.. eat again..LOL
10.30pm.. leave thr.. go mamak watch ftball.
Mu vs Blackburn..
witout Rooney.. d game damn sien..
MU won 2-0
C.Ronaldo score twice..
1am liao.. go bck...
heavy rain.....
thn nw on9..n updating blog..
going 2 slp..
8am..Elbert call me..ask me 2 take breakfast v him. =.=
crazy..!! 9am got ftball match la..xiao~
go fetch Skx..rch Shangzun's hse..Jeff call n ask me go fetch him..OMG..hv 2 turn bck..
after fetch Jeff..8.50am d.. rch Jm's hse.. his 2 bros n him still slp?!!! 9am d match wil start leh..
after awake thm..Skx, Jeff n me go padang 1st..
rch thr..thy going 2 start le..
wear stocking n boots..thn din warm up at all..d match start.. =.=
vry tough..coz long time nvr ply le..
finally v won 8-2. Lhy damn GENG!! he score hat-trick.. i jz score 1..
after tat went BT eat.. thn go bck..bath..thn slp..
7pm+ wake up..later hv 2 go Chua's sis wedding party..
8pm Jeff rch my hse..i no yet
after tat go p.klang fetch Term.. thn meet Jm, Skx n Okao at Chua's hse..
go in.. eat.......... dog..fishball..thai style fish..xiu mai..fried chicken.. n lotz..
after oso come..our ex-english teacher..
b4 leaving.. second round.. eat again..LOL
10.30pm.. leave thr.. go mamak watch ftball.
Mu vs Blackburn..
witout Rooney.. d game damn sien..
MU won 2-0
C.Ronaldo score twice..
1am liao.. go bck...
heavy rain.....
thn nw on9..n updating blog..
going 2 slp..
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Air Terjun Gabai

last few day told dad long time nvr go Gabai Waterfall le.. he say tis sat wil bring us go..
as wat his promiz..2day go waterfall.. =)
but..mum n sis thm all say dunwan go..duno y..
thn lil sis ask her frenz go..thr r Ledd, Rreen, Range..
dad 'force' mum go.. lol
( GABAI WATERFALL here v come!! ^^ )
jz sis din go..she went out v frenz..
so.. dad drive 1 car bring mum n lil bro..
i drive anthr car bring my lil sis n her anothr 3 frenz..
whn passed d Kesas tol.. OMG!! Jam!!!! wat the #$%@&* .. Hi-way oso jam.??! Rreen say she din bring mykad..walao..wan kena send bck 2 China meh?? LOL
aftr jam for 40mins+.. mana d Stupid F**ker 'Mata' block infront.. xiao 1~ duno wat he wan..
nvm..continue our journey..goin to 4pm late d
whn reach d kampung much car..can speeding..summore belok sini belok sana Drifting! lol ..^^
v rch thr at 5pm+.. 1st time so late reach waterfall.. many ppl oso go bck le..
nvm..time to enjoy!!
ooooohhhhhhhh no...naik d tangga so tough leh.. so high man!
anyway..v all managed 2 reach thr..
enjoy vry much at d waterfall..^^
7pm+..vry dark d.. v come down..n go toilet bath..
after tat v went Cheras thr hv our dinner..
bah kut head curry.. kampung salted chicken.. n duno wat mushroom..
8.45pm..go bck.. journey
reach home at 10.30pm..
tired tired tired.. 2moro summore gt ftball match.. @.@
ok..hv 2 slp le..
thnx dad..=)
Saturday, November 10, 2007
another boring day..
no working sien.. working oso sien.. wat i wan??? ( money!! lol )
10am+ wake up.. on9 on9 till on9..siao~
5pm+ uncle call me n say after a few minutes wil rch my hse..wan bring me go shah alam 2 take his car bck..
aftr change d shirt n wait.. i thnk go 1hr+, he stil din come.. wat the @%$#&@!!..
dulan~ change bck 2 normal shirt..take dinner..Fish+vege Curry, pork pork pork n taugeh.. (last nite go ipoh eat taugeh..2day taugeh again =.= )
aftr tat only my uncle come.. 2hrs+ = his ' a few mins later ' !!!
thn follow him go Shah Alam..
aftr rch thr, i drive his Kancil, he drive his abothr car bck..
on d way bck..he is behind of me.. STUPID!!! i duno d way bck leh...(not d same way tat v come frm).. i call him, he jz laughing n say ' go straight'.. =.=
luckily d way no belok sini belok sana..if nt sure sesat 1..
rch Klang.. OMG!!! Jam!!!! wat la... i HATE jam!!!!
cnt do anythng la.. sigh...
11pm+ bring mum n lil bro go
after tat go mamak.. i belanja.. =.=
no money liao working no money.. T.T
thn...rch some..tired..posting blog..
now..d end..slp! chaow~~~~g9
no working sien.. working oso sien.. wat i wan??? ( money!! lol )
10am+ wake up.. on9 on9 till on9..siao~
5pm+ uncle call me n say after a few minutes wil rch my hse..wan bring me go shah alam 2 take his car bck..
aftr change d shirt n wait.. i thnk go 1hr+, he stil din come.. wat the @%$#&@!!..
dulan~ change bck 2 normal shirt..take dinner..Fish+vege Curry, pork pork pork n taugeh.. (last nite go ipoh eat taugeh..2day taugeh again =.= )
aftr tat only my uncle come.. 2hrs+ = his ' a few mins later ' !!!
thn follow him go Shah Alam..
aftr rch thr, i drive his Kancil, he drive his abothr car bck..
on d way bck..he is behind of me.. STUPID!!! i duno d way bck leh...(not d same way tat v come frm).. i call him, he jz laughing n say ' go straight'.. =.=
luckily d way no belok sini belok sana..if nt sure sesat 1..
rch Klang.. OMG!!! Jam!!!! wat la... i HATE jam!!!!
cnt do anythng la.. sigh...
11pm+ bring mum n lil bro go
after tat go mamak.. i belanja.. =.=
no money liao working no money.. T.T
thn...rch some..tired..posting blog..
now..d end..slp! chaow~~~~g9
Friday, November 9, 2007

oh yea.. my 1st blog in blogspot.. lol
dad's ex-colleague ask him go his house for Deepavali celebration o..
his hse in Gopeng, Perak.. 3hrs driving distance frm my hse! =.=
sis sick, stay home. lil sis go her frenz hse. lil bro busying v his homework (he din do 1 la..jz stay home n playing computer! XD )
so..only my parents n i going..
daddy jz cm bck frm cross country..vry tired.. so..i hv to drive.. lol
1st time drive so far leh.. gia gia~
dad bring a bottle of wine n sumthng else for their children..
move frm my hse at 3.15pm.
all d way 100km/h like tat..
5.20pm reach awhile.. thn continue..
5.55pm reach their hse.. ( tired tired tired.. >< )
got murukku!! yummy...
thn hv dinner v thm..
thr got fried big prawn, sambal prawn, sambal chicken, vege, n mutton curry.. all spicy!! my favourite!! lol
7.55pm..say bye bye..haha.. thy summore gv us 1 box of murruku n sum othrs biscuits.. (i never ask frm thm harh! haha) n oso 1 bottle of orange.. =.=vry dark..sumore duno d daddy drive..
v heading to Batu Gajah.. going 2 visit relatives.. mana tau samapi sana..nobody answer d door..oso din pick up d phone.. ><
nvm nvm.. v go Ipoh for d most famous de Taugeh Chicken!! lol
8.30pm..stop at a Biscuit hse to buy sum Kaya puff.. "Ho Chak" go thr b4 de.. lol
after tat looking for "Ayam Masin "(or ayam garam..i duno la.. haha)..oso "Ho Chak" go thr b4 de..cnt get.. thn dad go to ask a malay.. mana tau d malay guy answr my dad v CANTONESE!! Omg.. he speak better thn me.. LOLX
after rch..d shop close jor.. =.=
nvm.. stil got Taugeh Chicken!! yea^^
so many ppl thr..
v enjoy d meal vry much.. ^^
damn full leh.. 3person only RM27.. quite cheap..
okok..tired.. go bck...
1am..reach home.. @.@
ok..finish.. slp...~~
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