Damn damn damn...
What an unlucky day.
When I am going to walk out from the toilet. I also duno why I adjust my pocket before I leave.
And suddenly my oldy 6600 dropped out.
Oooooooooooppss.. It is in the toilet bowl!!!
There is not any shit inside except my phone, I guess.
But I still cant see my handphone inside..
It is quite dark in the toilet and the 'shit hole' are damn deep!
It is around 2 ft's ++ .
The toilet is quite clean, becoz it is male teacher's tolilet.
Only 4 male teachers in this school.
So, I don't think too much and put my hand into the hole and try to reach the bottom of the hole.
But I touch nothing!!
I asked the toilet cleaner to help me. But she have no idea.. Damn
I borrow a duno wat 'penyepit' from canteen.
I back to toilet and try again.
It can reach the bottom, but I cant feel anythng down there..
So, gone. All the contacts lost again. Aixzzzzzzz~
Went DiGi centre for Sim card replacement. It cost RM5. (last time free 1 if Im not mistaken!)
And bought a new 'pengepit' for the canteen. It cost me RM7.

New handphone.....errrr... Anyone can donate one to me ahhh? haha
No idea what handphone to buy now.
3 Megapixels camera, MP3 : Thats wat I need.
Budget : Around RM500.
Prefer NOKIA. S.E still can consider.
In my mind now only have the S.E K810i .
Any idea??
Gave a handphone to my girl as Birthday present last night.
Today lost this one.
Two handphones ran away from me in 24 hours..!